It was in the Basic Court in Novi Sad where the court procedure for tax evasion was being conducted against me during the period of 11 years. On 30 October 2018 a session on the appeal was organized at the Court of Appeal in Novi Sad and I was legally acquitted of charges. All the expenses are incurred by the state.

It was in July when I informed the public about the acquittal:

Even during the session a horrible political pressure could be felt. However, the evidence and explanations of the first-instance judgement could not be overturned.

Immediately after that, on 9 November 2018, the judgement related the complaint for my damage compensation was shown on the Portal of the Court of Appeal and the shown amount was 132 million Euros based on the expertise findings.


There are two more unsolved complaints for the damage compensation at the Commercial Court of Appeal in Belgrade:

1) Pž 1102/2018 (Commercial Court of Appeal in Belgrade)

2) Pž 2658/2018 (Commercial Court of Appeal in Belgrade)

There is also political pressure in the case for the bankruptcy procedure St 9/2010 and in the case for the temporary measure against Credit Agricole Bank P 1063/2017 at the Commercial Court in Novi Sad. The conclusion is the following one: The court procedures are being conducted under horrible political pressure; an agreement has been made between the City of Novi Sad and the trustee Credit Agricole bank to have the situation being developed in the following way:

In January 2013 the Commercial Court of Appeal made the decision in favour of ATP Vojvodina in the amount of 13 million Euros (for one period) with the interest rate of 17 million Euros.

If the amount had been paid in accordance with the decision, the bankruptcy would have been finalized and the company would have continued to function.

However, a pact was made between Credit Agricole Bank Serbia and the City of Novi Sad that they, as members Supervisor Committee of ATP Vojvodina, would prevent execution of the final executive decision, that they would wait for the political pressure on the Supreme Court of Cassation and the judgement in the amount of 4 million Euros which allegedly showed that the contract with the State was partially null and void; that was the judgement unknown so far in the court practice. They also agreed to wait for all the decisions in all the procedures for the damage compensation to be made (although the experts provided their findings), so that the member of the Executive Board of Credit Agricole Bank Aleksandar Divljak would in turn have the opportunity to cheaply buy out the service center for his brother while the bus station would be left to the City and to the rest of the criminal party.

Which bank does not want its money!?

And who would work with the station if I could not?!

The European institutions are carefully following this case because it is one of the 24 compromised privatizations, but the only one in which the investor, but not the state of Serbia, suffers the damage.

ATP “Vojvodina“ looked like this

before being privatized


ATP“Vojvodina“ looks like this

after being privatized


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